Routine Care Tips for Your Crown

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A crown essentially replaces the enamel of a tooth that has been damaged by injury or tooth decay. Most crowns are made from materials like gold, base metals or porcelain, which are not subject to tooth decay. While the crown itself is not subject to these problems you still need to offer it routine care to maintain the gums around it and the abutment that anchors it to your jaw.

Food particles, residual sugars and bacteria in your mouth can develop into a thin film of plaque on your crown. If not removed by twice daily brushing and flossing this plaque can harden into tartar. Tartar at the gum line is the primary cause of gum disease. If left unchecked the inflamed gum tissue can pull back from the tooth exposing pockets where bacterial infection can develop. This can cause a loss of material in the bones that anchors the abutment in your mouth. It can also expose the edge of the crown to bacterial invasion which can cause the cement to fail.

You should also keep in mind that porcelain crowns in your smile do not stain the way natural enamel does. Tobacco use and staining foods and drinks can cause your teeth to not match as well.

Visiting your dentist twice a year for your routine cleaning and checkup will help maintain gum health and polish away surface staining before it can progress to the point where it causes matching issues.

If you have questions about caring for your crown please feel free to call us at 484.392.7687 to schedule an appointment.