Whitening Toothpaste Is a Good Way To Help Maintain Your White Smile

The tooth polishing in your regular dental checkup or the dental tooth bleaching treatment administered by Dr. Truong Nguyen will whiten your teeth for a time. If you enjoy dark foods such as berries, and beverages such as coffee or wine on a regular basis, or if you use tobacco, you will need to find a way to mitigate stains... read more »

Dental Veneers: Helpful Information

What Are Dental Veneers? Veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-colored material that are used to cover the front side of the teeth. Dr. Truong Nguyen may recommend veneers if you have smile flaws that you would like to correct. Improving the appearance of your smile can increase your confidence and self-esteem. Do Dental Veneers Require Special Care? Our dentist may... read more »