Do You Have Receding Gums?

Do you have red, swollen, tender or bleeding gums? Or have a bad taste in the mouth that won’t go away, along with bad breath? These are indications of gum disease, especially if you can actually see your gums receding from the teeth. What are receding gums? This is when the gum tissue surrounding teeth pulls back from the tooth, exposing... read more »

Routine Care Tips for Your Crown

A crown essentially replaces the enamel of a tooth that has been damaged by injury or tooth decay. Most crowns are made from materials like gold, base metals or porcelain, which are not subject to tooth decay. While the crown itself is not subject to these problems you still need to offer it routine care to maintain the gums around... read more »

Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is caused by improper oral hygiene. When plaque and bacteria linger in your mouth to long, it inflames the gums and causes an infection. Gum disease is not always painful but it’s still a serious condition. In fact, many people are unaware they have gum disease until the symptoms become extremely severe. If left unchecked, gum disease can... read more »

Brush Up on Oral Care

There are many reasons why people go to the dentist. Unfortunately, too many people wait until they have severe pain or tooth decay before they take the time to schedule an appointment. However, it’s important to remember your oral health care needs. Oral care is often overlooked as the busy holidays approach. With sugar on the rise, cavities are not... read more »